Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to get an AdSense account in Pakistan and India

Getting AdSense account in Pakistan and India has become a dream now for those people who tries to get AdSense account with their blog or other revenue sharing sites.

Lots of people write to me and questioned that how can they approved their AdSense account in Pakistan, they are trying different things and tricks but AdSense application rejected every time.

Well i have seen lots of sites and blogs which tells you different tricks and tips about how can you get your AdSense account but believe me none of them have worked in Pakistan and India.

I was also trying different things about how can i get AdSense account and after the struggle of almost one yr i have finally find a way to approve my AdSense application. Now i am gonna share with you, how can you get your AdSense account in Pakistan and India.

  • First of all register a top level domain like (
  • Create a professional looking website and generate some traffic on it first before applying for AdSense.
  • If your AdSense account had disabled before then apply with a different IP address (same person cannot have AdSense account again).
  • Always prefer Gmail when applying for AdSens and your email address should match your domain name.
  • If you have a blog then redirect it on your domain and then apply for AdSense.
  • Your website must have comply with all the webmaster tools.
After doing all this, apply for AdSense account and i am sure you will get it because that's how i get mine as well. This is not a trick, not a tip or anything. This is a genuine way to get your AdSense account.

If you have a domain then it is very good, a proper website can have more traffic than blog and it will earn you more than blogger. If you still have any problem with this then contact me.

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