Thursday, September 23, 2010

How to get an AdSense account in Pakistan and India

Getting AdSense account in Pakistan and India has become a dream now for those people who tries to get AdSense account with their blog or other revenue sharing sites.

Lots of people write to me and questioned that how can they approved their AdSense account in Pakistan, they are trying different things and tricks but AdSense application rejected every time.

Well i have seen lots of sites and blogs which tells you different tricks and tips about how can you get your AdSense account but believe me none of them have worked in Pakistan and India.

I was also trying different things about how can i get AdSense account and after the struggle of almost one yr i have finally find a way to approve my AdSense application. Now i am gonna share with you, how can you get your AdSense account in Pakistan and India.

  • First of all register a top level domain like (
  • Create a professional looking website and generate some traffic on it first before applying for AdSense.
  • If your AdSense account had disabled before then apply with a different IP address (same person cannot have AdSense account again).
  • Always prefer Gmail when applying for AdSens and your email address should match your domain name.
  • If you have a blog then redirect it on your domain and then apply for AdSense.
  • Your website must have comply with all the webmaster tools.
After doing all this, apply for AdSense account and i am sure you will get it because that's how i get mine as well. This is not a trick, not a tip or anything. This is a genuine way to get your AdSense account.

If you have a domain then it is very good, a proper website can have more traffic than blog and it will earn you more than blogger. If you still have any problem with this then contact me.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Luxury of changing the payee name is over for Pakistani publishers

Well a bad news for AdSense publisers in Pakistan, luxury of chaning the payee name over. Now if you are a Pakistani adsense publishers then you cannot change your payee name anymore.

Definitely a bad attempt from google but they have to do this to stop invalid click activity.

Address of adsense account still can be change anytime but not payee name.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Plan to make over 100$ this month

I was busy in my studies for a long time now and thats why i was not able to write contents for you guys, but now im back and with a plan for making over 100$ this month and i am gonna share my plan with you.
  • I am gonna write 15-20 quality contents for you guys.
  • Linked up with big sites and affiliation with them
  • I am gonna attract some advertisers as well
But that's not enough to cross a 100$ limit? that's depends on how i done my work so always connects with my blog because there are some special contents gonna come sooner

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wao! 10$ on my 1st day after a break

Yahoooooo! that's what i was looking for, i got almost 10$ yesterday after a long time and believe me i am going to make it big.

I am sure that AdSense for search is better than AdSense for content,

  • AdSense for content : 10 clicks = 1.34$
  • AdSense for search : 9 clicks = 7.45$
Definitely search bar is an important tool if you wanna make huge amount of money with AdSense so just don;t rely on AdSense for content, try AdSense for search as well because my experience says

I'm back and damn serious this time to make money with adsense

Hi guys! sorry i wasn't writing for a long time simply because my AdSense account got disable for unknown reasons but i have decided not to just leave my blog but to carry on writing some money making articles for you guys.

I have create my new AdSense account which i am using in my other sites so I'm gonna tell you specially if you are in Asia to how can u get the AdSense account so watch it for the next article.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Google on a mission

Google disables lots of AdSense accounts during this week in Pakistan and all over the world also which really disappoints the AdSense publishers.

Today when i checked my mail box to check the quires from my visitors i was shocked to know that every one write to me that their account has been disable by google end every one was really disappointed and angry but that was to happened sooner and later because most of them was involved in invalid clicking which google does not allowed.

Never ever try to make money with invalid clicking that's the way to keep in touch with Google AdSense other wise you definitely gonna be block like those who write to me.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My earnings goes double in October

When i check my AdSense account yesterday i was shocked more then happy to see that my October's earnings has gone to double which i was getting before and you guys knows why? simply because of the search box at the top.

Mostly my earnings came through the search box and AdSense for search. I almost gets 2$ for an single ad some times , AdSense for content never really helps me for me earnings but since i have put the search bar in every thing seems to be going superb , i am getting 6-10 $ per day from the search ads comparing to AdSense for content it 500% more.

My eCMP% is also very good for AdSense for search and i always keep the CTR% in check.

I advise to guys too to have a search box at the top of your blog or site if you want to make lots of money because my experience says that AdSense for search is better then AdSense for content.