Thursday, October 15, 2009

Highest Paying Ads

Lots of people write to me about their AdSense experience and lots of them were saying that they are not getting high value for their ads and they want to know which ads pay higher so here i am going to write my experience , ads which usually gives me over 1$ per click so see it.

I have noticed during my AdSense experience that forex related ads as you can see above , always gives you high percentage of earnings so that's why i am also working on my forex blog

There is no way in the world that you can use to know which ad will pay you higher but surely these above ads always give me over 1$ per click so i am always happy when some on click on these ads.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Speeding Up in a Slowdown: Increasing Your Revenue Potential By Google

This is a helpful video and i really like it its help me alot to increase my revenue and i hope that you also gonna love it so watch it.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Target a Large Audience on Your Blog

Lots of people write to me about their blog traffic and mostly write that they have almost nothing traffic on their blogs , nobody visit their blog so they are not getting dollars from AdSense.

Well guys if you have a blog which has nothing attractive or helpful for your visitors then i am afraid that you will not gonna get a large traffic.

Here are some tips for you about how you can target large audience on your blog.
  • Always choose your blog name which is well known on the web and reflects your blog topic.
  • Choose your blog topic / subject which can attract the visitors , helpful for them or entertain them.
  • Designing of your blog is very important , if your blog is well design and visitor can reach your posts with ease then visitors gonna like it and will come again and again.One must keep in mind some people choose very complicated templates trying to make their blog different and attractive but actually they make mess of it by doing it always choose a simple and beautiful template for your blog.
  • You can also target your audience with subscription tools like , 'face book , twitter and feed burner so you also can target your visitors from their.
  • Unique and helpful contents are the assets for your blog to be a successful one . Always tries to put some unique and helpful contents because if a visitor finds something new and very helpful in your blog then i am very sure that he will come again and again.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yes ! i got my 2nd payment

Hey guys i got my 2nd payment on 30 September,2009 and you cannot imagine that how much i am happy now.

My mission has just started now i have to make some great marks on the web and make thousands of dollars through AdSense. I am learning the tricks and tips day by day and using it to increase my income.

I am working on a website through which i will make thousand of dollars with google AdSense so i am really busy doing this but i am assure you when i finish my work then i am gonna put some interesting and useful contents for you guys which will help you to make thousands of dollars through AdSense so keep signing in to my blog