Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reached a Mildstone of 100$ In This Month Also...

I have reached another mild stone of 100$ in this month and i am really looking forward to make some great money with google AdSense.

This is my 3rd month with AdSense and i have reached 100$ threshold 2 times, i already received my 1st payment from google so next month this will be my 2nd payment.

Lots of people are struggling from 5 or 6 moths but they have not reached 100$ till now,why? well i tell you soon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What is Feed?

Lots of people do not know what is feed? and how to use it so i am going to tell you what is feed? and how to use it?

Well it is very simple, every thing which you write in your blog or site is feed and can be used as feed.Feed is a format which allows your content to be delivered on the web as headlines,information or articles.Users subscribe to a feed mostly through a feed generator like Feed burner, feed demon etc, which gives them access to their desired feeds in one location.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

If AdSense Account Got Disable There is a Chance For You To Appeal To Reinstate Your AdSense Account.

Most people write to me about their accounts have been disabled by google and they think that there is no invalid clicks/or impressions activity on their site.Once your AdSense account got disabled due to any reason then their is one chance for you to appeal against it, if you think there is no invalid clicks or impressions on your site.

You can appeal against your disbaled account only through this form. Online Appeal form.

Plz keep in mind there is no guaranteed from the google that your account will be reinstate after this appeal because google actions are the result of careful investigations be google team of dedicated specialists.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Put Seach Bar in a Blog or Site?

Sign in to your blogger account and click on 'Layout'

Click on 'Add a Gadget'

Click on ' HTML Code' and paste your search bar code in it and save it.

After saving the settings you can open your blog in a new window and see how does it looks.

How To Get The HTML Code For Put Search Bar in a Blog or Site?

First sign in to your AdSense account then click 'AdSense Setup'

Then Click AdSense For Search

Then Select your search type and click next.

Choose your favourite search bar option and click next

Select where your want to open your search result page and ad location and also the colour combination and click next

Name your search engine and submit it to get the search bar code.

Copy the code and paste it in your blog. ' How to Put Search Bar in a blog?'

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Think AdSense for Search is Best Earning Feature of AdSense

Lots of people write me about which AdSense feature is beast in terms of earning? Well from the last 2 months i have been trying to find out which AdSense feature is best when it comes to earnings?

Now i can say that AdSense for search pays more then any other AdSense products because i am noticing my earnings from the very first day,which shows me that AdSense for search pays more money then other AdSense features to the publishers.Well some people will be shocked to hear it but as far as i am concern AdSense for search is best paying feature,well i might be wrong because i am writing only my AdSense experience which is not confirmed and authentic but believe me guys i earn 300% more money with AdSense for search.

Plz comment this article and tell me about your experience.Thx.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wao! Yesterday i Got 17$ from Adsense

Yesterday i awoke at 9:am and took my bath and get online with my AdSense account.I was more then happy too see that i got 17.34$ and all was from AdSense for search.Wao man this is great i never knew that AdSense for search is better then other AdSense products.Well i was also surprised to see that how did i make 17$ with AdSense for search so i log in to my analytics account to see who visit my blog and what he did.When i checked my analytics account to know who visit my blog and what he did to make my 17$.A user from Canada visit my blog and search a key word and he clicked 13 search ads there so that's make 17$ in my AdSense account.
Now i know that if some one from Canada or other foreign countries visit your site or blog.this will make earning more higher Rather then visitors from my country.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

What is Verification Thresholds?

There are several verification thresholds in different parts of the world to make you eligible for AdSense earnings.

Thresholds: Tax Information Submission Verification Payment Method Selection Payment Cancellation
U.S. Dollars (USD) $10 $10 $10 $100 $10
Euro (EUR) N/A €10 €10 €70 €10
Great Britain Pounds(£ GBP)N/A10106010
Swiss Francs (CHF)N/A101010010
Danish Kroner (DKK)N/A606060060
Swedish Kroner (SEK)N/A707070070
Norwegian Kroner (NOK) N/A606060060
South African Rand (ZAR) N/A1001001000100
Japanese Yen (JPY)N/A1001001000100
Australian Dollar (AUD)N/A151515015
Chinese Renminbi (RMB)N/A808040080

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is Pin Code?

Google use a personal identification number to verify your address and protect your information from leaking out.

When your AdSense account reaches the verification threshold then google send a Pin to your address in your AdSense account.Which you have to entered it in your AdSense account to remove the payment pin hold other wise your payment will be kept on hold until you not entered your pin.

What to do if pin does not arrived?

How Will You Get Your Payment From Western Union

I was also very nervous and confuse about how will i gonna get my payment from western union,but believe me it was as simple as anything can be.I will tell you what you have to do to get payment from western union?

When you see the 'Payment Issued' link in your payment history page,this means that your payment is ready for you to get.You have to click on the 'Payment Issued' link to see your western union MTCN number.You will see your MTCN number,payee name,sender name,total amount and payee's address.Now just take your MTCN number and payee's ID cars to your western union agent and give him the details.He will take your MTCN number, ID card and your signature and give you your payment in your local currency.

It's a simple thing guys and i also done exactly that so anyone who's worry about it don't be just follow that article