Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Think AdSense for Search is Best Earning Feature of AdSense

Lots of people write me about which AdSense feature is beast in terms of earning? Well from the last 2 months i have been trying to find out which AdSense feature is best when it comes to earnings?

Now i can say that AdSense for search pays more then any other AdSense products because i am noticing my earnings from the very first day,which shows me that AdSense for search pays more money then other AdSense features to the publishers.Well some people will be shocked to hear it but as far as i am concern AdSense for search is best paying feature,well i might be wrong because i am writing only my AdSense experience which is not confirmed and authentic but believe me guys i earn 300% more money with AdSense for search.

Plz comment this article and tell me about your experience.Thx.

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