Thursday, July 30, 2009

I Got My First Payment

After the hard work of 2 months at last today i get my payment and I'm very very happy now.
I check my AdSense account on 28 July,there was a link 'payment issued' i click on it and that's it, there was my MTCN number and amount which was sent to me.Today i rush to my western union agent and give him the code and he give me my payment after i signed on my receipt.
AdSense really work guys,this is why i make this blog to help you how you can make money from it.How did i receive my payment click on the following link.

How will you receive payment from google by western union?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Yeah! My Payment is in Progress...

Hi guys! after a great hard work on my 15 blogs, my first payment is in the progress and a link is appearing which say that payment is scheduled on 30 July.
I,m really excited and happy because my payment is arriving.Adsense works guys its really works.I have achieve my first goal, now i have to work more harder to get some more visitors from all over the world so my earning will increase gradually.
I really can,t wait to grab my first payment,i will tell me when i will get my first payment till then best of luck

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What To Do if Pin Code Does Not Arrived After 3 Attempts?

I used to also have the same problem because after 3 attempts my pin does not arrived but i have solved my problem and now i.m gonna tell you what to do to remove your pin hold?

If you have request your all 3 request for new pew pin code and still pin has not arrived then you can remove your pin code manually by sending google your scan copy of national ID Card,Bank Statement or any utility bill which shows the same name and address which you used in adsense account.

For removing your pin hold manually after 3 attempts for pin request log into your adsense account and click on ' Enter Your Pin' you will see further details their about how to send your id card , bank statement or utility bills to remove your pin hold.

Keep in mind if you have not request for 2 new pin codes then request your new pin code first.

What To Do If Pin Code Doesn,t Arrived?

I noticed that lots of people have a problem with their pin code not arrived so I'm gonna tell you what you have to do if you don,t receive your pin code.

Google allows AdSense publishers to reattempt their pin code request if they don.t received it in first time.You can request again for your pin code if you don,t receive it in first time or not in timely manner.
For request another pin code simply go into your AdSense account and click on 'Enter Your Pin'. You will see your pin address and date of dispatched.Youwil see a option there 'Request anothe pin' click on it and request your pin again and google will send your pin again.
In meanwhile you can receive your first pin code.If you received it then you can enter it because all 3 pin codes can be entered to remove the pin hold.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What is Adsense For Content?

Adsense for content is the most famous way to earn money from google adsense.In this google allows publishers to earn money from their online contents by displying relevant ads in their site or blog
You will earn money by two ways,1st by cliking and 2nd by impressions.This is a free program where you just have to make an adsense account from starting making dollars.Google shows ads related to your site contents so visitors will be most likely to click on ads.Its very easy to manage the ads,google have some ads links and ad units so you can select your favourite type of ads which you want to show in your site.

How can i put ads in my site or blog?

How will i make money from Adsense For Content?

Plz leave your comments about it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

How Will I'm Gonna Make Dollars With Google Adsense.

I have my game plane to reach the goal of 1000$ per month and I have every thing set to reach my goal. I am gonna share my game plane with all of you about how im gonna make almost 1000$ per month.

1-I’m gonna made almost 20 blogs on my favorites topics and put new, refreshing and quality contents in it so visitors gonna like it and got stuck in my blog. If I make 1$ from one blog in a day that means I’m gonna make almost 20$ per day=600$ per month

2-I,m gonna put contents which user most likely to read and search.I’m not gonna copy any one’s contents so google will also encourage my blog and that’s how my ratings gonna go higher and higher.I,m gonna create that kind of contents which visitors mostly likely to read and search.

3-Google blocks lots of accounts due to invalid clicking so I,m gonna take care of that thing because google can notice any one and no one can make google fool by invalid clicking so that’s one thing to notice at.

4-i.m gonna maintain my eCMP% and CTR% because these are two things which effects on the earnings. I’m gonna try to maintaine my CTR% around 4% and eCMP% around 50-100$.Thats how I’m gonna earn more with google adsense.

5-I’m gonna design my blog very well which will attracts the visitors and im gonna manage my ads beautifully and put the search bar in right area where visitors can clearly search the web.I.m gonna aplly all of my adsense option into my blogs (e.g) Adsense for contents,Adsense for search ans adsense for feeds and hope that all these gonna help me to earn some money.

That’s my game plane about the google adsense. Definitely I’m also in a learning process so I’m gonna keep sharing my experience with you as time progresses.

Plz leave your comments about this article.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Adsense Video Guide

Choose Videos on your favourite Topics

What is AdSense?
What is AdSense For Content?
What is AdSense For Search?
What is AdSense For Feeds?
What is AdSense For Domains?

AdSense Optimization

Speeding Up in a Slowdown: Increasing Your Revenue Potential

Contact Me!

If you have any questions? comments? concerns?or want to share your thoughts with us? plz fill the form below for any kind of request and help.

Thank you, Mani


Email Address:

How can i help you?

create form

Friday, July 3, 2009


How to make dollars with google adsense.This blog focuses on how can you make money with google adsense, adsense help , how to work with google adsense.

I am always very impressed with the names like Bill Gates , Yahoo , Google etc.I want to be a man like that: a billionare,for this i have my passion, my mind and great hard work with some experience. I always believe that i have such a mind that i can make more then 1000$ per month so i started this blog to share my adsense starting,problems that i faced and lots of tricks about how can you make lots of dollars with googel adsense.

I'm not saying i'm gonna make you a millionare with this blog but definately this blog gonna help you to earn some money.Today where every one is strugling with his business,jobs are getting down so google adsense is a free way to earn some money without any kind of job or something like that,it;s just a online program which demands your site or blog to setup an adsense account and start make money.

I started this blog because i was having summer holidays after my exams so i was getting bor at my house just watching t.v then one day i think i can make some money with google adsense.As time goes i experienced alot and now im sharing this to all my visitors for helping them to make some money from google adsense.

My goal is to make almost 1000$ monthly and im sure im gonna achieve my goal with my passion and experience.So plz join me if you want to make dollars with google adsense

What is Adsense For Search?

Adsense for search is one the most popular adsense features which provides your visitors to search whatever they wanna search in your site or blog.
With google search bar visitors can search the web from your site or blog.You just have to put the search bar in your site or blog and when visitors search the web in your site or blog then google gonna show the ads according to the key word which visitors types, and you gonna be paid by two ways : by clicking and by Queries.

Well I’m gonna show my experience with you about adsense for search. I made 30-40$ in 2 months with adsense for content but when I put my search bar in then I make 80$ in just 1 month. If visitors type most popular key words then, ads will be open gonna pay you more then the ordinary key words.
Just setup your adsense for search in few minutes and start making money by it

What is Search Bar?

How to put Search Bar in my site or blog?

How will I make money From Adsense For Search?

Here is the video by google about adsense for search.

Plz leave your comments about how did you find adsense for search?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Adsense Help Center


Email Address:

How can i help you?

How To Earn with Adsense For Domain?

It is very simple just get a domain name and parked (put,use) your domain at google adsense for domain without hosting and putting any content into it. After the approval google gonna show ads related to your domain name and you gonna earn when the visitors click on the ads in your site.
Keep in mind if your site have any content then your site gonna be used as adsense for content. If your site has no content then this will gonna used as adsense for domain and help visitors to find targeted information related to your domain name.

Plz leave your comments about how did u find adsense for domain.?

What is Adsense For Feeds?

Adsense for feeds is another program by google where publishers can earn revenue by placing ads in their feed articles .Adsense for feeds works same as rest of the programs by showing ads related to the contents and readers.
Now with adsense for feed google allows you to put ads between your feed articles so you can earn from your original contents, if you copy’s someone content then im not sure google gonna pay for this so keep in mind that for earning revenue from feeds contents your contents have to be the original one,created by you..Feeds will be paid, like other one’s. in two ways 1st by clicks and 2nd by impressions

What is feed?

How to Get a feed?

How to Get Started Adsense for Feeds?

How to Earn Money From Adsense For Feeeds?

Here is a video guide for you by google to get familiar with Adsense For Feeds:

What is Adsense For Domain?

Mostly people don’t know about the adsense for domain but im gonna tell you in simple manner what is actually adsense for domain is ? and how can you generate money from it.
Basically adsense for domain is like this: you just have to get a domain name and parked (put,use) your domain at adsense for domain without hosting and putting any content or anything like this, google gonna show adds related to your domain name, for example if your site is related to mobile phone then google gonna show ads related to Mobile phone.

You can check the following domain, which is being used for adsense for domain. To experience how adsense for domain works and how your domain can be used for it.

As you can see in the above site there are only relevant ads placed by google , nothing but the sponsored link Ads which is placed by google. This is how adsense for domain works, parked your domain name at adsene for domain and google gonna show ads related to your domain. This is how you can earn when your visitors click on the ads with google adsense for domain.

How to Get Started With Adsense For Domain?

How to Earn Money From Adsense For Domain?

Plz leave your comments about how did u find adsense for domain.?