Monday, July 6, 2009

How Will I'm Gonna Make Dollars With Google Adsense.

I have my game plane to reach the goal of 1000$ per month and I have every thing set to reach my goal. I am gonna share my game plane with all of you about how im gonna make almost 1000$ per month.

1-I’m gonna made almost 20 blogs on my favorites topics and put new, refreshing and quality contents in it so visitors gonna like it and got stuck in my blog. If I make 1$ from one blog in a day that means I’m gonna make almost 20$ per day=600$ per month

2-I,m gonna put contents which user most likely to read and search.I’m not gonna copy any one’s contents so google will also encourage my blog and that’s how my ratings gonna go higher and higher.I,m gonna create that kind of contents which visitors mostly likely to read and search.

3-Google blocks lots of accounts due to invalid clicking so I,m gonna take care of that thing because google can notice any one and no one can make google fool by invalid clicking so that’s one thing to notice at.

4-i.m gonna maintain my eCMP% and CTR% because these are two things which effects on the earnings. I’m gonna try to maintaine my CTR% around 4% and eCMP% around 50-100$.Thats how I’m gonna earn more with google adsense.

5-I’m gonna design my blog very well which will attracts the visitors and im gonna manage my ads beautifully and put the search bar in right area where visitors can clearly search the web.I.m gonna aplly all of my adsense option into my blogs (e.g) Adsense for contents,Adsense for search ans adsense for feeds and hope that all these gonna help me to earn some money.

That’s my game plane about the google adsense. Definitely I’m also in a learning process so I’m gonna keep sharing my experience with you as time progresses.

Plz leave your comments about this article.

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